Effective 1-1-08, appraisers who wish to become certified residential or certified general will face the requirement of attending college, for specific courses in addition to the appraisal courses mandated by the Appraisal Foundation. The fact is, that throughout the USA, there have been alternative ways of achieving college credit.
One of these ways is via the CLEP Exam program.
One problem with CLEP exams, is simply, if you don't attend a course to cover the material, your exam results will not allow you to receive credit.
We have found a company that helps you prepare for CLEP exams, with minimal expense and no long term commitments. You should also contact local community colleges, and in NY, for example, the Empire State College Program is very supportive of NYS residents who wish to obtain college cedit, and it is accredited, licensed and fully recognized.
The Web site for assistance in studying for the CLEP Exams is:
http://www.instantcert.com/ Click on the 1st link CLEP
for those seeking prep for a GED, click on the 2nd link GED
We hope this helps the "Average" person achieve a level of success in this industry. I am using the term "Average" as a symbol, since I do not believe in stereotyping and I don't believe anyone is "Average". We are all unique individuals and we can all make a contribution. Success is not an absolute, so there is no definition of Success either for hard working men and women. Success is a level of achievement you desire and are striving towards.
We would like you to share with us your experiences, and your successes using information we have listed here!