| OTHER NATIONAL AND REGIONAL APPRAISAL ORGANIZATIONS | As you know, you can belong to more than 1 organization | | The North American Association Network encourages this...we are an education based origanization | | Strength through Education ! | | | | www.newyorkstateappraisalnetwork.com NEW YORK STATE APPRAISAL NETWORK |
  | National Association of Master Appraisers - http://www.masterappraisers.com Provides appraisers with professional designations, educational services, industry newsletter and a membership directory. |   | North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition - http://ncpac.org/ Serves and protects the collective interest of all professional appraisers in North Carolina. Includes forums, directory, news, and committees. |   | East Florida Chapter of the Appraisal Institute - http://www.eflai.org Appraisal Institute chapter website, including meeting, seminar, and course calendar/online registration as well as membership information and organizational structure. |   | National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA) - Oklahoma Chapter - http://www.oklahomaappraiser.org State professional organization features online membership directory, education, and forum plus information for lenders and visitors. |   | National Association of Review Appraisers & Mortgage Underwriters - http://www.naramu-assoc.org Organization dedicated to maintaining professional standards and promoting ongoing education in the fields of Appraisal Review and Mortgage Underwriting. |

www.merrellinstitute.com Traditional, on-line and advanced Education for Appraisers, Inspectors and the Real Estate Community at large. www.bestinspectors.net An educational based organization, structured to benefit the inspector with both education, software and support
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