TO BE DETERMINED ~ NYS, Dept. of Labor Approved
6pm to 10pm ~ In-Class Program Approved
4 Hour On-Line Course
We are proud to present the N.Y.S., D.O.L. 4 hour Mold Recertification Class. This CE refresher program is taught by both Joe Garcia, CEI, RHI, and Bill C. Merrell, Ph.D., developers of the Program. The class benefits each Licensed Mold Assessor and meet the requirements of the Industry. Classes from 6pm to 10pm-4 hours.
" Classes Officially Approved by NYS, Dept. of Labor "
Mold 4 hour class for Continuing Education-NYS Dept. of Labor Certified
TO BE DETERMINED 6pm to 10pm "4 hours"
Mold 4 hour class for Continuing Education-NYS Dept. of Labor Certified
Attendance Mandatory
Pre-Paid Tuition : $175.00 DISCOUNT PRE-PAY LIVE CLASS AT
All Registrations Includes our Copyrighted /Certified DOL Manual
This course is being offered to meet the educational requirement NYS, Dept. of Labor Mold Licensing. Meet your continuing education requirements. NYS, Dept. of Labor Approved 4 hour CE Class.
RETAIL PRICE INCLUDING MATERIALS: Only $ 175.00 Advanced Registration !
Call 631-563-7720 or Fax your registration to the school (Fax #: 631-563-7720)
Name_________________________________ Phone_____________________
Mold Assessor License Number:__________________ Expires____________
Make Checks Payable to:
1461-16 Lakeland Avenue, Bohemia, NY 11716
or Fax to: 631-563-7719
Student E-mail____________________________________
We will only offer the above listed class after we are officially approved by the NYS, Dept. of Labor. Limited
seating, no refunds permitted once NYS Approves our program. Mandatory Attendance Required.
You must bring your NYS Drivers License and Mold License/or ID Card with you!
Signed______________________________________________ Dated_______________________