
             NYSAN ~ New York State Appraisal Network  631-567-6776




              Appraisal Management Agreement for Appraisal Services


Referred by NYSAN MEMBER if applicable:_______________________________


Lender/Company________________________ Phone_____________________


Contact________________________ [  ]Loan Officer [  ]Mtg Banker [  ] Mtg Broker


Fax #___________________________ E-Mail___________________________

I wish to order appraisal assignments in compliance with HVCC regulations to NYSAN.

631-567-6776, FAX: 631-563-7719;  nysanamc@gmail.com


Your appraisal assignment will be assigned to a qualified, certified, insured appraiser for

your assignment. Your assignment is with the assigned appraiser. NYSAN is the referring

service to make sure that HVCC guidelines are met. NYSAN will send a letter with the

appraisal that HVCC guidelines have been met. The fee for the appraisal is paid at the door.

or to NYSAN y lender and the client of record is the lender client when the assignment is ordered.


The lender pays NYSAN and NYSAN pays the appraiser. The appraiser receive payment by NYSAN,

. Payment is made at the door or as agreed to by lender-client and timely mailed to NYSAN for each assignment

 Appraiser cannot have direct communication with lender, at the inception of the assignment

as per HVCC regulations. NYSAN does not review the appraisal. We forward the appraisal

 to the client and keep a copy to validate the appraisal has not been altered.


The client can terminate their relationship at any time. The client is only responsible for

appraisal fees associated with assignment ordered and received. Lenders who do not pay the

appraisal fee are subject to collection on appraisals not paid for.


Lender/Client Signature__________________________________ Date_______


Name_________________________________ Title_______________________


Contact Information:________________________________________________




Town_____________________________ State________ Zip Code__________



                               This form can be mailed to NYSAN as follows:


                      N.Y.S.A.N., 1461-16 Lakeland Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716

                         Questions? Call us at 631-563-7720 or 631-567-6776


                                                  or faxed to us at 631-563-7719



                                 if you scan this document you can e-mail it to us at



                                 Notes for file: reserved for NYSAN Comments


      Print this form and mail above;    go to: www.newyorkstateappraisalnetwork.com

                       e-mail is to be sent to:  nysanamc@gmail.com

       NYSAN, Care of: Merrell Institute, 1461-16 Lakeland Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716